Amiodarone Effects on Thyroid Function
Amiodarone is a commonly used type III antiarrhythmic agent . It is structurally related to thyroid hormone and contains 39%
iodine by weight. Thus, typical doses of amiodarone (200 mg/d) are associated
with very high iodine intake, leading to greater than fortyfold increases in
plasma and urinary iodine levels. Moreover, because amiodarone is stored in
adipose tissue, high iodine levels persist for >6 months after
discontinuation of the drug. Amiodarone inhibits deiodinase activity, and its
metabolites function as weak antagonists of thyroid hormone action. Amiodarone
has the following effects on thyroid function: (1) acute, transient suppression
of thyroid function;
(2) hypothyroidism in patients susceptible to the
inhibitory effects of a high iodine load; and (3) thyrotoxicosis that may be
caused by either a Jod-Basedow effect from the iodine load, in the setting of
MNG or incipient Graves' disease, or a thyroiditis-like condition.
The initiation of amiodarone treatment is associated with a
transient decrease of T4 levels, reflecting the inhibitory effect of iodine on
T4 release. Soon thereafter, most individuals escape from
iodide-dependent suppression of the thyroid (Wolff-Chaikoff effect), and the
inhibitory effects on deiodinase activity and thyroid hormone receptor action
become predominant. These events lead to the following pattern of thyroid
function tests: increased T4, decreased T3, increased
rT3, and a transient TSH increase . TSH levels
normalize or are slightly suppressed within 1–3 months.
The incidence of hypothyroidism from amiodarone varies
geographically, apparently correlating with iodine intake. Hypothyroidism occurs
in up to 13% of amiodarone-treated patients in iodine-replete countries, such as
the United States, but is less common (<6% incidence) in areas of lower
iodine intake, such as Italy or Spain. The pathogenesis appears to involve an
inability of the thyroid gland to escape from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect in
autoimmune thyroiditis. Consequently, amiodarone-associated hypothyroidism is
more common in women and individuals with positive TPO antibodies. It is usually
unnecessary to discontinue amiodarone for this side effect, because
levothyroxine can be used to normalize thyroid function. TSH levels should be
monitored, because T4 levels are often increased for the reasons described
The management of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT)
is complicated by the fact that there are different causes of thyrotoxicosis and
because the increased thyroid hormone levels exacerbate underlying arrhythmias
and coronary artery disease. Amiodarone treatment causes thyrotoxicosis in 10%
of patients living in areas of low iodine intake and in 2% of patients in
regions of high iodine intake. There are two major forms of AIT, although some
patients have features of both.
Type 1 AIT is associated with an underlying
thyroid abnormality (preclinical Graves' disease or nodular goiter). Thyroid
hormone synthesis becomes excessive as a result of increased iodine exposure
(Jod-Basedow phenomenon).
Type 2 AIT occurs in individuals with no intrinsic
thyroid abnormalities and is the result of drug-induced lysosomal activation
leading to destructive thyroiditis with histiocyte accumulation in the thyroid;
the incidence rises as cumulative amiodarone dosage increases. Mild forms of
type 2 AIT can resolve spontaneously or can occasionally lead to hypothyroidism.
Color-flow doppler thyroid scanning shows increased vascularity in type 1 AIT
but decreased vascularity in type 2 AIT. Thyroid scintiscans are difficult to
interpret in this setting because the high endogenous iodine levels diminish
tracer uptake. However, the presence of normal or rarely increased uptake favors
type 1 AIT.
In AIT, the drug should be stopped, if possible, although
this is often impractical because of the underlying cardiac disorder.
Discontinuation of amiodarone will not have an acute effect because of its
storage and prolonged half-life. High doses of antithyroid drugs can be used in
type 1 AIT but are often ineffective. In type 2 AIT, oral contrast agents, such
as sodium ipodate (500 mg/d) or sodium tyropanoate (500 mg, 1–2 doses/d),
rapidly reduce T4 and T3 levels, decrease T4
T3 conversion, and may block tissue uptake of thyroid hormones.
Potassium perchlorate, 200 mg every 6 h, has been used to reduce thyroidal
iodide content. Perchlorate treatment has been associated with agranulocytosis,
though the risk appears relatively low with short-term use. Glucocorticoids, as
administered for subacute thyroiditis, have modest benefit in type 2 AIT.
Lithium blocks thyroid hormone release and can also provide some benefit.
Near-total thyroidectomy rapidly decreases thyroid hormone levels and may be the
most effective long-term solution if the patient can undergo the procedure
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